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Your community portal to report any suspicious activity, safety concerns and crime occurring in our community and resource for TPS Crime Prevention Tips.

TPS Neighbourhood Watch: DYK (Do you know): you can get involved with neighbourhood watch in your community!

While very important to us all, Markland Watch is only part of the reporting protocol that you need to be aware of.​​​​

Toronto Police Reporting Protocol

Below, we have outlined the steps for reporting incidents of concern to not only TPS and Markland Watch, but also to other important organizations as well, such as TDSB, TCDSB, Etobicoke Parks & Rec, etc.  
We have also provided links to useful safety information that can be downloaded.


Call 911 in Emergency Situations

An emergency is any situation that requires immediate assistance from the police, the fire department or an ambulance.  If you are ever in doubt of whether a situation is an emergency, you should call 9-1-1.  It's better to be safe and let the 9-1-1 operator determine if you need emergency assistance.​​​


Non-Emergency situations

If you know your situation is not an emergency, then call the TPS non-emergency phone line (416)-808-2222) and ask for "Communications".


TPS - Citizen Online Report Entry (CORE)

Residents affected by a crime, observing something unusual, out of character or is a nuisance for their neighbourhood should immediately contact CORE to file a police report. While there are currently 12 available report areas in the CORE platform, we selected a few based on questions already presented to us from our community.  Click the CORE image to learn more.

TPS Core - Citizen Online Report Entry


Contact Markland Watch

After initiating any one or more of the above noted reporting protocols, please contact Markland Watch at to provide the details of the incident after a police report was filed.  If available, a TPS incident number related to the report should also be provided to Markland Watch.

Always contact/copy Markland Watch no matter how insignificant you might believe the matter is.  

Don’t presume that someone else will report it.  If we don’t know about it, we can’t participate in getting the matter addressed by the proper individual(s). 

We can only keep our community safe by working together and looking after one another!


©2021-2024 by Markland Wood Homeowners Association

P.O. Box 91011, Etobicoke RPO, Toronto, ON M9C 5S2

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