Wed, Oct 30
|Register for the AGM
The 2023-2024 Markland Wood Homeowners Association (MWHA) Annual General Meeting on October 30, 2024 at 7:00PM EST. We are hosting the meeting virtually via Zoom Conferencing.

Time & Location
Oct 30, 2024, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Register for the AGM
About the event
You are invited to virtually attend the 2023-2024 Markland Wood Homeowners Association (MWHA) Annual General Meeting on October 30, 2024 at 7:00PM EST. We are hosting the meeting virtually via Zoom Conferencing.
To be eligible to attend this meeting you will need to have paid your annual membership dues during the 2023-2024Â year ending June 30, 2024 and still be living in Markland Wood - MWHA boundaries.
Please be advised that you will require a computer or tablet to view the AGM presentation and to be able to cast your vote(s) during the Election of the MWHA Board of Directors. You may also be requested to vote for motions during the meeting. Each household receives one (1) vote.  As a paid member of the MWHA, a non-profit corporation, your invitation link and related information to attend the AGM is noted below:
Register to join our zoom 2023-2024 MWHA AGM
Please note the following:
- Once you log in you will be kept in our waiting room until our administrator verifies your paid member status and information. Once the verification is completed you will be admitted into the meeting.
- This email has been sent to both the primary and, where provided, the secondary email addresses for all members but for voting purposes the link allows entry to the AGM for only one individual per household.
- Once your name and email address have been verified and attached to an associated home's address all the information will be locked to prevent any further entry from the same household so please ensure that you do not share this link and your personal information, email and home address, with anyone because doing so could prevent your own entry to the meeting.
- To provide ample time for all meeting attendees to be cleared to enter the meeting room we kindly request that you join the meeting by 6:45PM
Interested in joining the MWHA?  We are always looking for new members to join our community organization and an easy way to try us out is by simply joining as an Associate. To become an MWHA Associate, please send an email to MWHAPresident@MarklandWood.org at any time prior to, or subsequent to the meeting, or simply volunteer during the AGM's Q&A session using the "Chat" function. Â
The virtual AGM meeting will follow the similar rules as the MWHA hosted Candidates Meetings, with only one person speaking at one time. Should you wish to join a discussion, make a statement or ask a question please use the ZOOM function "Raise Hand" to get the attention of the meeting administrator. Questions can also be asked using the "Chat thread". Â
Operating since 1962 "To create, foster and maintain community spirit" within Markland Wood the MWHA is your community organization. We're an inclusive organization that supports and keeps our community informed by holding numerous community events, publishing the Marklander newsletter and public communications such as our Markland Watch notices.  Considered the strongest rate payers association in the GTA we're also recognized as one of the longest running rate payers associations in North America and we could not have accomplished this, nor continue to accomplish this, without the support of our members.  We are volunteers whose goal is to keep our community safe and strong and to do this we need to hear from you. Please let us know how we can help you and if you can help us to make our community better. Â
Thank you for your support! Â Markland Wood Homeowners Association